Operation Verification Tests
The followin
tests assure that the power suppl
is per-
. The
do not, however, check all the speci-
fied parameters tested in the complete performance test
described below. Proceed as follows:
a. Perform turn-on checkout procedure
iven in pa
e 1-7.
b. Perform the load re
ulation performance tests
iven in
the followin
Line Volta
e Option Conversion
To convert the suppl
from one line volta
e option to another,
the followin
three steps are necessar
a. After makin
certain that the line cord is disconnected
from a source of power, remove the top cover from the
and set the two sections of the line volta
e selec-
tor switch for the desired line volta
e (see Fi
ure A-2).
b. Check the ratin
of the installed fuse and replace it with
the correct value, if necessar
. For Option OE3, use a
slow-blow 1.0-amp fuse. For standard and Option OE9,
use a slow-blow 1.6-amp fuse.
c. Mark the instrument clearl
with a ta
or label indicatin
the correct line volta
e to be used.
ure A-2. Line Volta
e Selector (set for 115 Vac)
The followin
raphs provide test procedures for verif
the power suppl
's compliance with the specifications of
Table 1. Proceed to the troubleshootin
procedures if
observe an
out of specification performance.
Before appl
power to the suppl
, make certain
that its line volta
e selector switch (S2) is set for the
line volta
e to be used. (See CAUTION notice in
section for additional information on S2.)
General Measurement Techniques
Devices. To achieve valid results
when measurin
load re
ulation, ripple and noise, and tran-
sient response time of the suppl
, measurin
devices must be
connected as close to the output terminals as possible. A
measurement made across the load includes the impedance
of the leads to the load. The impedance of the load leads can
be several orders of the ma
reater than the
impedance and thus invalidate the measurement. To
avoid mutual couplin
effects, each measurin
device must
be connected directl
to the output terminals b
pairs of leads.
When performance measurements are made at the front ter-
minals (Fi
ure A-3) the load should be plu
ed into the front
of the terminals at (B) while the monitorin
device is con-
nected to a small lead or bus wire inserted throu
h the hole in
the neck of the bindin
post at (A). Connectin
the measurin
device at (B) would result in a measurement that includes the
resistance of the leads between the output terminals and the
point of connection.
ure A-3. Front Panel Terminal Connections
Load Resistors. Power suppl
specifications are
checked with a full load resistance connected across the sup-
output. The resistance and watta
e of the load resistor,
therefore, must permit operation of the suppl
at its rated out-
put volta
e and current. For example, a suppl
rated at 20
volts and 0.5 amperes would require a load resistance of 40 Ω
at the rated output volta
e. The watta
e ratin
of this resistor
would have to be at least 20 watts.
Electronic Load. Some of the performance test procedures
use an electronic load to test the suppl
and accu-
. An electronic load is considerabl
easier to use than a
load resistor. It eliminates the need for connectin
resistors or
rheostats in parallel to handle the power, it is much more sta-
ble than a carbon-pile load. It is easier to switch between load
conditions as required for the load re
ulation and load tran-
sient response tests.
Current Samplin
Resistor (Shunt)
100 mΩ 0.1% 15 W Measure output current
Variable Volta
Auto Transformer
e : 85-130 and 200-260
ac input.
Table A-1. Test Equipment Required (Cont’d)